K&S has released this unique backdrop at Cosmopolitan. Backdrop comes with the option to have a back panel with mountains on it.
This sexy Glitzz lingerie can be found at the mainstore. Lingerie comes in 14 different colors. Fitted for Freya, Maitreya, Hourglass and Legacy.
Amitie has released this pose at Tres Chic. Pose pack comes with 6 different poses all with mirrored versions.
* Credits *
SLurl : K&S Mainstore
Glitzz Mainstore
Amitie Mainstore
Hair : Tram J0513b hair / HUD-B
Uber Event - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uber/188/189/20
Lingerie : Glitzz - Vivian Set
Wings : Sweet Thing - Seraph Wings
Backdrop : K&S - Pink Dream
Cosmopolitan Event - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/No%20Comment/127/32/22
Pose : Amitie - Dressing Room Pose Pack
Tres Chic - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nika/100/139/22