These sweet Andore ears will be coming soon to the Vanity Event. The ears hud comes with 20 different skins, ear fix, and tint option. Hud also comes with option to change metals, and change colors on donuts, icecream, and cherries. Link to event in credits.
Found this cute little Diner at Mayfield. For those who have never been to Mayfield it is a 1950's role play community. All around this 1950's inspired sim you can find cute places like this diner to take pictures at, hang out or who knows maybe even do some role play.
* Credits *
Slurl : Andore Mainstore
Mayfield - 1950's Roleplay
Hair : Sintiklia - Hair Emiko (light blondes)
Sintiklia - Bangs Pack 5 (group gift)
Outfit : Renie - Nitta Top (baby pink)
Accessories : Andore - Sweet Ears
Vanity Event -
Pose : Focus Poses - I Drink Your Milkshake (pose 6)